Wild Irish Seaweed - Sea Spaghetti (Thonghweed)

Wild Irish Seaweed - Sea Spaghetti (Thonghweed)

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Sea Spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata)
Himanthalia elongate is primarily used as a sea vegetable. It is normally dried and marinated or pickled in jars to preserve its shelf-life. This is common seaweed of the lower and lower middle shore found around wave exposed coasts. The long ribbon like fronds of sea spaghetti, is native to the Atlantic. They reach their peak of taste and tenderness in the middle of spring.

Other Names: Thongweed, Spaghetti de Mer, Sea haricots.
Type: Brown Algae.
Taste: Slightly sweet, sea flavour with an intense shellfish aftertaste, Adds a beefy flavour when used in soups, stews and casseroles.
Texture: Thick, fleshy consistency with a very gentle bite to it. Use in a dish with ‘regular’ spaghetti to add variety, colour, flavour and texture.

To rehydrate: Soak in cold water for up to 5 mins with a little salt.
Salted: Wash salt off thoroughly before use.
Fresh: Rinse thoroughly before use.

Best served cooked – cook in the same way as spaghetti until al dente (11mins approx) Do not cook for more than 25mins.
Boil/Steam: As a side vegetable for fish or meat, in risotto, braised, in pasta sauce, in place of pasta. Use creams, soups, with scrambled eggs, add to sauces and condiments.
Bake/Smoke: Bake in gratins, pies, quiches, smoke and use in pates.
USES: Goes well with – Seafood, wild mushrooms, garlic, sesame, eggs, tomato, smoky flavours, paprika, cream, vinegar.

High in: Iron
Contains: Protein, Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Potassium
Vitamins: C, E